What would be the best way for the twin flame to heal during separation?

What would be the best way for the twin flame to heal during separation?

During the separation, both twin flames would feel that pain.

However, here are the things that will help you achieve awakening and ascension. You are going to be healed day by day.

1. Accept the painful separation.

2. Learn to let go by not controlling the things that is out of your  control.

3. Do the mirror work. You will definitely know your dark sides that your twin flame projected to you. Take as soon as possible the decision to work on your dark sides and purge yourself from negative energy and emotions.

4. Stay grounded to make sure you stay focus on yourself.

5. Love yourself. Learn to love yourself only then you can love others.

6. Be consistent. Being in the dark night of soul is painful. So, it is better if you choose to be consistent in your spiritual work.

7. Live with gratitude. Learn to appreciate everyone and everything that you encounter, because every life experience will teach you certain lesson. Appreciate it and let it go.

8. Breathe. Breathe deeply and slowly, focusing all of your attention on each breath. Don’t rush it or breathe quickly. As you exhale naturally, allow any tension to leave you with the breath.  By learning proper breathing, you will cleanse your inner body systems.

These tips are the most important of the twin flame work. You can communicate with your twin flame’s higher self because you are sharing the same energy. So you can always help each other. Overall, be positive at all times and do not accept any negativity. Once you are able to achieve awakening, your consciousness would be shifted from 3D into 5D. Then you will love unconditionally. You will see everything as one.

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