Why do some twin flames have to choose between their twin flame and a soulmate?

Why do some twin flames have to choose between their twin flame and a soulmate?
Very often, a lot of twin flames are not ready for the Twin Flame Journey till they have a relationship with a Soulmate and raise kids. Twin Flame relationship does not work well for family and children, lots of fighting, separations, triggering, and too intense to have kids around. So the twin flames usually have a pre-birth contract with a Soulmate to marry and have kids.

And if they meet their twin flame so early, they separate and meet again many years later. Or they only meet the Twin Flame in their 30 or 40 years old or even older. You have to be a mature person/old soul to endure being the chaser/Spiritual Twin on the Journey. The runner can be younger biologically and spiritually, or they can be about the same age.

But if one or both already have a family, it becomes a major challenge, as they usually love their Soulmate and the kids. It is a heartbreaking choice as the Soul group incarnates as a family, so it is not just about the long-term romantic partner, but about the kids and the whole family. Here, before thinking of a union with a twin flame and about how it could be, you should think of how to find yourself, there is an inner feeling of peace that should exist first, to see your soul, to understand when every lesson in your soul’s journey should end and another phase has to begin.

There is no regret with the soul’s decisions, there is regret only when you let time go by without doing anything, just waiting for a divine miracle to change your life the way you want it to be. Change your inner world, your way of thinking and your whole world will change.

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