Why do twin flames reincarnate?

Why do twin flames reincarnate?

Twin flames evolve according to their level of development in life. Some have already awakened, ascended, or even enlightened before being able to meet their twin flame. Their meeting is to heal themselves and get into their higher selves.
They reincarnate again because they have a desire or a mission left on earth. They needed to solve their past life issues with their soul mates or twin flame.
There are a lot of soul mates but only one twin flame in one lifetime. Meeting a twin flame is very hard compared to meeting their soul mates.
In fact, soulmates do not need to be awakened, ascended, or even enlightened to meet other soulmates. Anyone can meet their soul mates anytime and anywhere, it is much easier than meeting a twin flame.
Usually, the ascended or enlightened soul does not find their perfect match until they meet up with their half soul. They failed many times in their relationship because they could not communicate with their partners due to their high levels of thinking.
However, when they meet their twin flame, they start their mirror work. Obviously, nobody would suddenly work on their dark sides because they are not aware of it. Only twin flames can mirror the dark sides of their partner.
With hard work on the dark sides, twin flames can overcome the ego.
Briefly, reincarnation is about healing oneself and getting oneself into their higher self. Once they reach their higher selves, they are self-aware.
Being self-aware is about understanding your thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, and actions.

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