Why does a twin flame run?
- The Denial: they refuse everything.
- The Realization: they realize that there is something about you but don’t accept it for themselves.
- The Acceptance: they accept their love for you to themselves. They do not show it to you.
- The Confrontation: they confront their love for you. This does not necessarily mean that they return. They can still run. Because they are still dealing with other internal conflicts.
Depending upon which state they are in, they may express or not.
However, expressing their love may not always be loud, but it can come in many beautiful ways. There is a certain love language that you need to understand. It is much more beautiful than saying it aloud.
When a twin flame is in denial, of course, they will not express anything. They did not understand what they felt or the truth about that feeling.
When they realize things, maybe they will not make any effort to express what they realized, sometimes, because they are being ruled by society’s conditioning, fears, judgment, and so on.
However, every time, you see them, you connect or you communicate, you understand and feel what they feel, even when they did not directly say anything. Their reactions will do the needful.
Sooner or later, your twin flame will acknowledge the connection. They will admit that you are one soul in two bodies and your connection is greater than any other relationship. Because, they will see strange signs, dreams, and an inner voice that starts talking about you all the time. They can run but they can’t ignore what they will feel.
One needs to have patience and faith in this connection. It is a very beautiful journey!
In general, there is no need to run, just sit down and make your decision. If your twin flame doesn’t choose to be with you, do not wait for “maybe later, we will meet again”. The first thing to do is to send them an energy of forgiveness. When the signs emitted from your space are all about forgiveness, your twin flame will feel less guilty, they will stop blaming themselves and blaming life. They will start thinking in a positive way, they will have self-reconciliation.