Your twin flame is awakened but you are not in union

Is it possible for someone to have an awakened twin flame, but not be in a union with them yet?
It is a misconception many feel – that once their twin flame awakens they will come back.
You are not in a union, spiritually, energetically, or physically because something is misaligned between both of you. Unless that block is released further harmony would not take place.
Your twin flame may be awakened, so you are! But there must be something that you are running from. Awakening is only about being AWARE or ACTIVATED.
It is just a beginning. The rest of the work may still to be done.
When such progress is happening – you may experience non-physical union taking place on energetic, spiritual, and emotional levels. Especially in the case of twins who are both aware and awakened but physically not together.
However, Can your twin flame never contact you or explain themselves? Then Why? Why may your twin flame disappear for years?
First, twin flames communicate without words. The strong energies and frequencies they possess make them understand each other without words.
Their love is beyond 3D, it is in the 5D. Their cosmic love may seem weird. You can only understand it soulfully, and not everyone ever believes it.
Their love is unconditional; no true love is as genuine as them. They can love without being together physically.
There is no separation; not until oneness is reached they will still be in their running and chasing phase.

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