Are you on a twin flame journey and wondering if you're on the right track?

Are you on a twin flame journey and wondering if you’re on the right track? Here are some confirmed signs that will put an end to your doubts:

Firstly, you will experience a “bubble love phase” at the beginning of your relationship. It is extremely intense and romantic. This phase is shared with your twin flame. It only lasts for a few weeks.

Secondly, if your twin flame triggers a “dark night of the soul,” know that it is the beginning of your soul’s alchemy for inner purification. This process can only be initiated by your twin flame. During this phase, you’ll purge your existential fears.

Thirdly, as you grow closer to the divine, you’ll feel your consciousness expanding and your spirituality growing faster than anyone else’s around you. This is a clear sign that your twin flame journey is progressing.

Finally, remember that your soul supports you on your spiritual journey and resists anything that leads you away from it. If you feel at peace with the spiritual knowledge, you can be sure that you’re on the right path and don’t need to doubt the power of your twin flame journey. Keep these confirmed signs in mind and trust the journey.

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