Do both twin flames think about each other subconsciously?
You will be absolutely swarmed with thoughts of your Twin Flame. There are days when you will just want to lay in bed and think about your Twin flame, and tune into your heart connection. You can not and will not escape this, the more you attempt to push these thoughts and feelings away, the more they will overwhelm you. This is set in place for a reason. You are not MEANT to push these away, you are meant to embrace them, as your Twin flame will be a part of your life here on Earth, and thereafter; and yes this will occur within BOTH parties.
Twin flames are in each other’s minds constantly, whether they like it or not. They can have the choice to accept it for what it is or reject it to try to distance themselves. Either way is difficult, in separation but accepting it is the more loving and somewhat easier option.
Over time, the nature of the thoughts toward your twin flame changes, although they are constantly in your mind.
Going through the Dark Night of the Soul made you understand that your twin flame is always there in your heart as you are always in theirs. You are in each other’s minds from the first to the last day of your separation. Then you progress in your ascension and still, there is communication with your twin flame, however, the thoughts are always there. You receive signs and synchronicities that your twin flame is still there, still thinking of you. You just wait for affirmation from the Universe to know for sure. When we reconnect, you find out that it is the thought that the other is in pain that brings you back together.
The fact that your twin flame is in my mind all the time means you are in theirs as well. Thoughts fade from time to time, only to come back again.