How to know if you finally reached the point of surrender in your twin flame journey?
Surrender is a process, and hence, you will fluctuate, moving back and forth between chasing and surrendering again and again till you finally get into the state of complete surrender!
That point when you finally RELEASE your expectations and your control. However, getting into a state of surrender fully and completely takes time. It does not happen overnight. Surrender is not an event.
Surrender doesn’t mean stop loving. You still love your twin flame, but in another way. During separation, you think of your twin flame all the time. Until you decide to let go and heal your wounds. You start working on your dark sides and purging them. You can, as well, heal the shared pains with your twin flame because you share the same energies.
Your love becomes unconditional. When you achieve ascension and reach the 5D, you find out that there is no more separation. All the sufferings and pains are in 3D. Every test will bring you closer to your higher self. In brief, never stop working on your spiritual path until you achieve your life goals.