Is it possible for only one twin flame to experience a dark night?

Is it possible for only one twin flame to experience a dark night?
You are experiencing a dark night of the soul, however your Twin Flame is doing well.
First, you and your twin flame have different timelines. Meeting your twin flame doesn’t mean that your both lives are going parallelly.
When you are going through a dark night – your twin flame may be in a better position and vice versa.
You can go through many dark nights at different times.

Twin flames are balancing each other energetically through these dark nights. When one is in the dark the other holds the light.
In general, the soul needs to learn detachment, independence, and individuation. Just like physical twins, they are born together but they don’t need to “be together all the time”. Despite looking the same, each one of them needs to learn to be independent of the other, to detach and have or make its own individuation.

Usually in the twin flame journey, they have completely different lives from each other. This is needed to make the separation between them. Separation is needed for the soul to learn these lessons. It’s in the separation phase that the process of union starts to happen as they learn their soul lessons through the pain.

They purge a lot of heavy energies stored in their energetic bodies and ascend. The lighter they get and the higher they ascend, the closer to Union they get. Union is not synonymous with getting into a relationship or getting married to them. Union is when there are no more energetic, spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical blocks between you.

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