Is the twin flame something you can't explain?

Is the twin flame something you can’t explain?

Yes. The feelings are indescribable. You will enjoy a soul-deep love.

Some would think that this is not right. But deep inside, you believe in it without any doubt. Being in the twin flame relationship is something very blessed and rare. When it happens to you, you feel like you are half-soul. You are weird. You are an old soul. You are special. And if you start working on yourself you can achieve your last reincarnation on earth.

However, nothing is as easy as you may expect. Because, if you start your twin flame journey, you need to do your mirror work; you will receive this upon meeting your true twin flame. You start an inner purging to ascend. It is a life-changing. Even if it seems scary, the changes are so magical and will bring you into another dimension of life. You will see things in 5D. The bliss and peace are real, although it is not permanent. You will work hard to achieve the same lifepath together, with your twin flame.
You will feel the soul merge and Unconditional love. You will see this connection as an eternal bliss, and that separation is an illusion.

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