What is the meaning of 22:22 on the Twin Flame journey?

What is the meaning of 22:22 on the Twin Flame journey?
22:22 is the same as any other repeating number sequence that you encounter on the Twin Flame journey.

Everyone currently experiencing the Twin Flame phenomenon has, at least once, encountered the odd synchronistic number patterns that accompany the Twin Flame journey.

When you first meet your twin flame, you may be literally chased by many numbers.

You may go crazy trying to figure out exactly what the meaning and WHY every time you look at a clock, or anywhere else, you see these numbers.

What is the Universe trying to show or tell you?

To experience anything in life, we must first attain the feeling of what we want from within. No matter what we are feeling inside of us, those feelings will always be made manifest in physical form for us to experience in our outer reality.

Whether we constantly believe and think about the lack of something being there, no matter how much we yearn and plead the Universe for it, we are doing this because we think we don’t have it yet. And if you are expressing the energy of not having something, the Universe will directly match your reality of not having that specific desire.

If you are observing repeating number patterns, such as 11:11, 12:12, 21:21, etc, it is because the Universe has heard your request (which in this case is Union with your Twin Flame), and it is quite literally showing you the reason why you do not have it in your reality yet. You will notice that each repeating sequence always has the same thing in common; which is that the outer number always reflects the inner number. The numbers themselves do not matter, it is all about the appearance of the sequence, just like the sequence of events that we encounter in our reality based on our energetic alignment with the Union.

The Universe uses numbers and signs to point you in the right direction. Its message is “You are not in Union yet, because your outer reality is reflecting back to you your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings of the LACK of Union being here. Change your internal energy in order for your reality to reflect back your new vibration.”

If you see numbers such as 555, 222, 999, etc, the same message applies: you keep REPEATING the same thoughts and beliefs within you and therefore you will keep running around in circles and experiencing the same, repeating events that keep you out of Union.

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