What To Do When You Feel Ups And Downs In the Twin Flame Journey?

What To Do When You Feel Ups And Downs In the Twin Flame Journey?

You are going through this up and down for two reasons.

You are struggling in your mind to release your twin flame.
You still need to master the skill of surrender.
You are still struggling because, you are resisting their thought, trying not to think of them. But surrender is not about that!

Surrender is releasing the expectation, releasing the timelines you keep calculating in your mind, releasing your doubt if they will come back or not…there are so many things we need to release to surrender and be in the zero resistance zone truly.

In surrender, if you have their thoughts it is completely okay..! Surrender is not about removing their thoughts from your mind. It is about having 100% trust in the divine and putting all your mental burden on the divine.

Secondly, Surrender is a skill. It would help if you practiced it to master it. And you need to practice every day! Positive visualization of the moments with your twin flame which puts a smile on your face surely helps.

It is the universal law that twin flames are two parts of the same soul. So they WILL come to you. No matter what. Irrespective of what the situation is in your life on earth. You completely believe in your love. It ought to happen when it is the right time for you to come together. You let go of all the ifs and buts in your mind – and surrender to the higher realms. They are with you on this journey. And they will guide you.

In the beginning, one will have a great difficulty to adjust to this vibration. But if you intentionally practice it like a prayer every day, consciously, slowly you will improve.

Your up-and-down fluctuations would decrease. And at one point you will be completely stable.

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