Can meeting a twin flame lead to darkness?

Can meeting a twin flame lead to darkness?
Have you ever experienced a deep spiritual connection with someone that completely transformed your life? That’s what happens when you meet your twin flame. It’s not always easy, though – twin flame stories often include anxiety, depression, and mental struggles that are necessary for soul growth.

If you’re feeling anxious or like you’re losing your mind, know that you’re not alone. These feelings are common among those who have found their twin flame. You might be experiencing a sudden onset of anxiety that seems to have no obvious cause, or you might be obsessing over this person to the point of distraction.

It’s important to understand that these feelings are part of a bigger picture. Your higher self is trying to calibrate to your new physical reality, and this can be uncomfortable. But trust your intuition – if you feel like there’s more going on than meets the eye, you’re probably right.

When you meet your twin flame, you’ll feel a deep sense of love and connection, but this can also come with extreme pain. You might find yourself feeling depressed and questioning everything in your life. You’ll crave this person’s presence and wonder why they can’t be a part of your life.

But don’t give up hope. If you’re meant to be with your twin flame, nothing in this world can stop it. Trust the process and know that this pain is temporary. It’s all part of an important process of awakening to a new level of consciousness and reality.

So if you’re feeling anxious, obsessed, or depressed, know that it’s all part of the journey. Embrace the experience and trust that everything will work out in the end.

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