The soul-deep energy similarities between the two flames

Twin flame souls are deeply connected and share an unconditional bond of love. This connection exists even before they meet, either in energy or higher self form or in physical form as part of the human experience. One twin flame is deeply connected to the other.

In the twin flame connection, there are soul-deep energy similarities between the two flames. Their soul signature reads pretty much the same, and it only intensifies as they grow closer. As a result, their vibration becomes of an even higher frequency, and their connection radiates outward in the collective.

The radiating light of their connection transforms everything and everyone it touches on a physical or subtly energetic level. The high vibe of love from one twin flame to the other is the love they both have for the collective as a whole. Their chakras emanate that flame vibe, influencing everything and everyone in the collective for the better. It’s like a twin flame gift that keeps on giving.

Twins are deeply connected on very deep and subtle levels of energy and vibration. This can manifest in many different ways, from feeling your twin crying to sharing their joy in a new passion or hobby. They share a telepathic and energetic bond that is never broken, whether they’ve only met in the spiritual realm or in physical bodies as well. In that sense, their energies flow freely between them.

Twin flames that are separated don’t necessarily share a single energetic body as much as they constantly exchange their personal energies until they do unit. Because of that constant flow, each twin flame can feel the flames of their twin’s soul. That flame burns bright, and it’ll trigger the other twin to zoom in on it at any and all times. Those flames cannot be ignored, even if for some reason you might want to at times.

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