What Twin flames on the path of ascension should know?

Twin flames on the path of ascension should know that there are some essential things for them to understand. Firstly, it is crucial to realize that whatever is happening in your life is supposed to happen. The universe doesn’t make mistakes, and everything that is occurring is part of a divine plan. Therefore, it is best not to resist what’s happening and instead embrace it with open arms.

It is also essential for you, as a twin flame, to understand that no attachments should be made. You are not your mind, your body, or your emotions. You are a spiritual being having a human experience, and attachments will only hold you back from your spiritual growth.

The ego is the separation consciousness, and it is an illusion that you are separate from everything. You are not. The ego is both good and evil, and if you still experience your mind being bad, you are still in the ego. The further you go down the ascension path, the mind gets even more sneaky, and it will try to sabotage you and make things worse to get you back in the ego.

As a twin flame on the path of ascension, you will encounter two ways of being: the mind and the soul. The mind is the false self that dwells in the future or the past, while the soul is the present moment with no identity. It is essential to learn to shift your focus from the mind to the soul, as the soul is the real you.

It is also crucial to understand that whatever emotions and thoughts come up, they are exactly what’s supposed to come up. You are supposed to be exactly where you are. If you have thoughts and beliefs that do the opposite of what you expect, it is supposed to happen.

Lastly, it is crucial to understand that the soul wants you to stop going to the mind for everything. If the mind is thinking too much, shift your focus to the present moment, as that is the real you.
When you achieve your ascension, you will understand the truth of the twin flame connection, and you will have no doubts about whether or not this person is your twin flame.

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