If you are in union with your twin flame. How do you identify your divine mission?
Twin flame missions are active even when twin flames are not physically together. Over time, twin flames naturally realize they are part of a mission. There’s no need to sit down and ‘identify’ it; the mission will reveal itself when the time is right.
Many people misunderstand what a twin flame mission really is or can be. It’s important to grasp that spiritual missions cannot be viewed in a materialistic way, nor are they quantifiable or physically visible.
Spiritual missions are about service without a sense of tangible achievement. Often, we interpret ‘mission’ literally, thinking it involves physical work or visible outcomes, like a community project, charity, or educational effort. However, the essence and purpose of a twin flame mission are much deeper and more spiritual.
Spirituality is about energy, supreme love, and soul growth—intangible, non-materialistic elements that exist but cannot be seen. This spiritual work occurs as twin flames live their normal lives. They don’t need to abandon everything else to pursue a visible ‘twin flame mission.’
Twin flame souls are inherently aligned with what needs to be done, and it happens without their conscious realization. Describing a spiritual mission in conventional terms is challenging, but I hope this explanation helps you understand that it cannot be easily ‘shown.’