What happens to twin flames that are not ready or don’t want to reunite with their other half?

What happens to twin flames that are not ready or don’t want to reunite with their other half?

This situation typically arises when one or both twins are:

  1. Not willing to accept the connection.
  2. Accepting the connection but unable to overcome their fears and conditioning, remaining controlled by their ego mind.
  3. Undergoing heavy karmic clearance.

It is important to understand that ‘union’ happens on five levels: spiritual, energetic, mental, emotional, and physical. We cannot view twin flame union through the typical lens of a romantic relationship where two people live together under one roof. It is much more than that.

Therefore, we cannot conclude that those who are not physically together are not in union. There are twin flames who, despite not living together physically, are in union across all five aspects.

Union will occur when both twins start aligning with each other on all these levels. Union is a process, and those who accept it and work on themselves will progress.

Those who are unwilling to accept this path and do the work will live mundane lives, postponing their union to the next lifetime. What they did not or could not complete in this life will continue in the next. Between incarnations, they might receive guidance to help them cope with earthly challenges better, preparing them for their next life.

However, the focus is not solely on union. Union is not the destination; rather, your soul’s progress and ascension are the true goals. Union is a byproduct of this journey. An ascended soul will naturally unite with their twin flame’s higher aspect when they reach their destination.

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