Why does my twin flame have such a strong impact on me?
Why does my twin flame have such a strong impact on me? Here are the reasons behind this profound impact:
- Soul Search: Your soul is searching for its other half to achieve wholeness.
- Self-Completion: By finding your twin flame, you can better understand and complete yourself.
- Ascension: Through dealing with external challenges and internal purification, you ascend spiritually.
- Purpose of Life: Meeting your twin flame helps clarify your life purpose, especially during the separation stage when inner work is done.
- Spiritual Collaboration: Together, you work towards a spiritual union in the 5D realm.
- Self-Reflection: They make you question your existence, purpose, and potential contributions.
- Positive Energy: Your twin flame journey helps you spread healing and positive energy to others.
Many of you might find yourselves thinking about your twin flame constantly. They leave an indelible mark, influencing your life like no one else.
Your twin flame can catalyze significant life changes, for better or worse, depending on your level of personal growth and achievements.
- For Romantic Connections: Your journey is just beginning, and physical connection remains important as you are still far from divine union.
- For Karmic Connections: You are halfway through your journey. Stay patient and persistent through the challenging tests.
- For Divine and Sacred Connections: Your journey spans many lifetimes. Aim to make this the last incarnation by achieving spiritual growth, allowing you to be together without physical needs.
Twin Flame