Do Only “Broken People” Have Twin Flames?
Is it only “broken people” who have twin flames? Are they so damaged by life’s trauma that they need this journey to reach a normal or natural vibration level?
In reality, only evolved souls, such as starseeds, angelics, and incarnated elementals, meet their Twin Flame on Earth. Young souls, making up the majority on Earth, cannot withstand the Twin Flame journey’s rigors. However, evolved souls are fully equipped to navigate its challenges successfully.
Twin flames often choose to be born into difficult circumstances, such as dysfunctional families with narcissistic or abusive parents or siblings. They may experience little love or understanding while growing up.
They might suffer the loss of family members or friends, affecting them deeply, along with other traumatic events. Romantic relationships can be challenging, often involving abusive or narcissistic partners.
These hard life circumstances are by design; they sought significant evolution in this incarnation. Hard lessons offer more growth and evolution compared to easy ones.
However, they also intended to undergo extensive healing from this extreme negativity. Healing their traumas, childhood wounds, fears, lack of self-love, and low self-worth was a key part of their plan. Healing raises their vibration, enabling them to fulfill their soul missions in the best possible way.
Meeting their twin flame sparks an accelerated process of purifying their energy and uplifting their vibration. This process involves committed inner work to master oneself, leading to accelerated personal ascension. Unlike other soulmate relationships, this process is much faster and more intense with a twin flame.
A twin flame triggers deep-seated negativity like no one else, forcing it to the surface for healing. This is why the journey is so challenging and painful at times. However, persevering in self-work brings benefits in a few years that might otherwise take decades or even lifetimes to achieve.
As an old soul or starseed, you signed up for specific missions before incarnating. Being ready for these missions requires purified energy and a high state of vibration. Therefore, being a Twin Flame is a choice for your evolution and the soul missions you aim to accomplish. Remember, you are very powerful! Heal from what you perceive as your brokenness and embrace your innate power!