Do Twin Flame Runners Feel the Same Energy as Their Counterpart?

Do Twin Flame Runners Feel the Same Energy as Their Counterpart?

The journey of twin flames is marked by a unique energy dynamic that ebbs and flows between the two counterparts. When one twin flame becomes a “runner,” they often embody dominant masculine energy. This phase involves an intense process of energetic purging and healing, ultimately leading both partners toward harmonization.

On the other hand, the “chaser” in the dynamic usually embodies dominant feminine energy, expressing their emotions and desires differently from the runner.

For a harmonious union to occur, each twin flame must first achieve a balance of masculine and feminine energies within themselves. This inner harmony is essential before they can unite as a pair in a balanced and fulfilling partnership.
Examples of Running vs. Chasing Energies:

  1. Runners: Often more guarded and resistant to change, runners may stonewall or block their counterpart due to an overwhelming fear of losing the deepest connection they have ever felt. This fear can be intimidating, causing them to pull away even more.
  2. Chasers: Chasers may find themselves constantly checking on their counterpart, feeling obsessed with keeping them close. They might worry about being forgotten during periods of separation. Despite clearly expressing their feelings, nothing seems to break the cycle, and the runner continues to run. This often leads chasers to a stage of surrender, where they learn to let go and trust in a higher power to guide the journey.

Though running and chasing manifest in different ways, they are both part of the same dynamic. Understanding this process can help you navigate the twin flame journey with greater clarity and compassion. Remember, the ultimate goal is not just a reunion but achieving inner balance and self-love.

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