If Twin Flames Aren't Romantic, What Are They?

If Twin Flames Aren’t Romantic, What Are They?

While twin flames have the potential to develop into a romantic relationship, their connection is often much deeper and more complex. By the time twin flames find each other, both individuals are typically deeply wounded and burdened with karmic baggage accumulated over their lifetimes. This baggage creates an ego mask that distorts the energy between them.

Before reaching union, twin flames perfectly mirror each other’s fears, triggering each other from the very beginning. These triggers are intended to help both individuals acknowledge and address their core wounds. For instance, if your twin rejects you, it might prompt you to reflect on past experiences of rejection, perhaps stemming from feeling unloved by your parents as a child. If your twin refuses to admit his deep love for you, it could indicate that you struggled to receive the love you needed as a child, making it difficult to accept love from your twin until that wound is healed.

Over time, twin flames can heal each other. This healing process accelerates significantly once they surrender and begin working on it together.

Ultimately, while twin flames can become romantic, reaching that point requires time and a significant amount of inner work from both individuals.

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