How Does My Twin Flame Leave Their spouse?

How Does My Twin Flame Leave Their spouse?

When your twin flame is in a long-term marriage, an activation may occur at any moment. Sometimes, one of the partners may suddenly understand who their real twin flame actually is, and suddenly it is all different. In most cases, there is some serious life-changing event that actually sets off a partial activation that will alter their lives from then on.

Sometimes, twin flames actually connect while already engaged in a commitment with another person. Some will want to go back to a previous partner for the comfort of familiarity. Of course, once you have the deep connection of a twin flame, even when reunions seem hard or impossible, the urge to let go of the past amicably becomes stronger. You see life through the soul’s perspective; you yearn for time with yourself to reflect and find clarity. You don’t want to hurt anyone, let alone your spouse, but you feel this deeper calling toward a truer self.

Notably, one has to allow oneself to feel their feelings and work out their happiness. Eventually, your efforts to pursue the twin flame will allow clarity, and you will reach that moment when you will let go-not out of frustration, but for the very reason that inner balance and self-discovery are part of what you need. In other words, the focus shifts from external pursuit to finding yourself.

This is where the journey really begins-one where your inner joy will be the focal point. As twin flames, honesty is the best policy: honesty with self, spouse, and twin. Obviously, marriages may need to be stayed in for a period of time; however, when the time of separation does come, it needs to be done in a loving and graceful manner. It is only then that the process of reunification can begin with the twin.

Once the reality of a twin flame connection is realized, there is simply no going back. If your twin flame continues to live their life separate from yours, then send them love and wish them well. They will have to face their lessons, and when the time is right, they will find their way to you. After all, the soul is always drawn home.

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