How Does the Union Between Twin Flames, the Runner and Chaser, Come About?

How Does the Union Between Twin Flames, the Runner and Chaser, Come About?

Many twin flames meet under very chart-conducive conditions and unite quite easily. In others, the journey is well out of chart seminal indicators. Even under adverse conditions, they cannot forget or move on from each other. They undergo long separations, at times several years apart. Sometimes they do come back to each other. Others find it difficult to fathom the depth and intricacy of the twin flame connection, which ignites conflict. In those cases, the runner creates distance to save him- or herself more pain.

The most critical part in this whole dynamic is spiritual awakening for one twin-usually the chaser.

As the chaser begins spiritually to wake up, he starts asking questions as to his previous mindset until he makes up his mind to let go of the need to chase. The runner then begins to introspect about the reasons that drove them to separate themselves from their sibling. Reflections enlighten the twins about their actions. This revelation represents that their perception had been blinded by the materialistic world and that the transition occurs only when they open their heart to let the light within. If the relationship never quite works out from the very start, this is most typically a result of having spiritual growth lacking. Spiritual growth has to occur in order to move on.

Often, it’s the inability to forget one’s twin flame and simultaneously a yearning toward spiritual awakening.

### What is Spiritual Awakening in this Context?

A spiritual awakening encompasses the conscious desire to learn and build on one’s spiritual self. It helps in retaining the positive energies within, hence making progress in life with much clarity. In the event of awakening, you are able to deal with negative energies, see into your situations, and create calm within yourself. The process helps in bringing understanding to the relationship and the strong bond that you share with the twin flame.

With twin flames that come together easily, there is an unmistakable deep feeling when they first meet.

You probably felt this too, but yours may have been shaded by all your doubts and fears. Those who make it through from the very start do so because they believe in the power of love and the law of attraction-no negative energy seeping into their aura. Whereas the runner and chaser dynamic usually comes from a place of confusion, hesitation, and even fear, love is the most pure, strong force in the universe. When this is genuinely felt deep within yourself and toward others, listen to your heart’s call-you won’t regret it.

Be honest with yourself. If you feel that your relationship has started to feel like a runner-chaser pattern, let this be your cue-a call to start your spiritual awakening process. Welcome it now and let this process guide you into understanding and union.

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