What are the Steps that the Chaser can take?

What are the Steps that the Chaser can take?
This strong urge within himself for the Runner to stop running away and realize how deep and profound their bond is, to come back into union, is often felt by the Twin Flame Chaser. At other times, however, the desire for their reconnecting is much more involved than it seems. Usually, the Runner runs away from the Chaser, not because he is indifferent, but he tries to resolve some unresolved fears and insecurities of his self, which are resistant toward the intensity of the connection. Ironically, this often perpetuates the Runner’s instinct to pull away even more and possibly reinforces their deeper fears.

Chaser’s Steps

As the Chaser, self-introspection for a twin flame is also useful. Rather often, patterns emerge from past relationships where self-worth depended on external validation. It is possible that in this light, the Chaser may acknowledge his or her need for reunion, at least partly developing from unresolved inner insecurities and needing to control an outcome in life. The recognition of such patterns allows the Chaser to let go of the urge to “win over” his or her twin and instead honor the true purpose of the connection.

The Chaser can focus on the following practices:

  1. Redirect Focus Inward: Knowing that, on the soul level, nothing will ever break the bond between the twin flames empowers them. As twin flames are energy-connected, it doesn’t matter where they are physically. Growth and self-love are cardinal during this period of dissociation.
  2. Practice Emotional Awareness: The emotional awareness of one’s self will help the Chaser regulate his responses. Instead of impulses, he can teach himself to respond from an anchored calm in self-assurance, which reinforces his inner balance.
  3. Commit to Self-Love: The twin flame journey is one of deep learning in true self-love. As the Chaser invests in self-caring and healing, he grows in compassion and patience, which reflects positively in his relationships, including the one with his twin.
  4. Find Special Talents and a Calling: The development of personal talents allows the Chaser to find a sense of purpose and satisfaction independent of the Runner’s recognition. In this manner, that growth can allow them to shine out as a beacon of light and inspiration to others.
  5. Practice acceptance and respect that true love in a twin flame journey honors each other’s freedom and individual paths. Accepting the Runner’s decisions, even if it means giving them space, is a deep respect that allows the connection to organically grow. Doing so can provide the chance for an organic, harmonious reunion when both twins are prepared.

The twin flame journey in its end teaches both souls to let go of the need for external validation and to love oneself. As the Chaser meditates upon personal growth, he respects the Runner’s journey and builds a life of fulfillment and balance with or sans immediate reunion. This change in perspective is at the heart of the reason behind the twin flame union and enhances the journeys of both souls.

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