Why Are Divine Masculines So Stubborn on the Twin Flame Journey?
Divine masculines are often seen as stubborn on the twin flame journey because they have spent much of their lives suppressing their emotions and masking their true selves. From an early age, they were conditioned not to trust or openly express their feelings, leading them to build emotional walls that make it difficult for them to embrace vulnerability. They become distracted by external influences, often engaging in a lifestyle that revolves around pleasing others, seeking validation, or avoiding their inner wounds. This distortion causes them to appear distant, indifferent, or even rude at the start of the twin flame connection.
However, when they encounter their divine feminine, something profound shifts within them. The twin flame connection forces them to confront their authentic selves, stripping away the illusions and facades they’ve maintained for so long. This process of self-discovery and letting go of their old ways feels overwhelming, triggering resistance, fear, and ultimately, the infamous twin flame runner dynamic. Their stubbornness is not because they don’t care but because facing the truth of their emotions is deeply uncomfortable.
Over time, as the divine feminine focuses on healing her own wounds and stepping into her power, she energetically influences her divine masculine. Because twin flames are deeply connected, her inner healing creates a ripple effect that softens his defenses. As a result, the divine masculine eventually begins to embrace his true self, allowing his loving, vulnerable, and emotionally available side to emerge. The journey is not just about one twin evolving—it’s a shared transformation where healing yourself ultimately heals them, bringing both of you closer to divine union.