A Letter from Your Twin flame’s Higher Self to You

A Letter from Your Twin flame’s Higher Self to You

My Dearest Twin Flame, My Soul and Universe,

In case you were wondering, there are a few things I want you to know. If our paths had never crossed, I would be a completely different being—one far less alive and vibrant. Without you, I would have remained stuck in a stagnant state of uninspired existence, slowly fading away like a distant echo. From the very first moment I sat beside you, it was always you. From the first glance, the first sound of your voice—it was always you. Without even realizing it, you reached deep within me and tore out the mass of complacency that was weighing me down, as if it were a disease and you were the cure. But it wasn’t just that you inspired me. Scattered throughout this letter are poems born from the inspiration you sparked within me—crystals from my soul to yours.

You gave me something I had never felt before: peace. I found peace in your presence, and in that peace, I grew as a soul. It’s strange—at first, I had to endure the intense chaos of this connection. It took me a long time to understand the whirlwind of emotions you stirred within me. Inside, I was a mess, trying to understand why you were in my every thought, the very force behind my beating heart. I felt torn between the overwhelming bliss you brought me and the weight of its implications. In the end, peace prevailed. But it wasn’t just peace you gave me.

With you, I didn’t just see beauty; I experienced it in every aspect of who you are. “Beautiful” is a word often used to describe a range of things, but when I say you are beautiful, I don’t just mean the graceful curves of your face, your stunning smile that embraces me with a full-body hug, or the flowing elegance of your hair. It’s not even just your eyes—those celestial orbs that capture my soul, peer into the universe, and make the cosmos wink back. No, your beauty isn’t limited to what the eyes can see. While you are undeniably beautiful in a physical sense, your beauty transcends the visible.

You are beautiful like the music Mozart composed, and like the melodies he never had the chance to create. You are beautiful in the way constellations stretch across the sky, endless and eternal. Your beauty is found in every beat of your magnificent heart and the radiant energy of your soul. Your beauty has been present since the moment your cells first began to form and will continue with every breath you take. Your beauty is alive in the vibrant dreams and thoughts of your brilliantly creative mind, and in the unyielding strength of your deeply caring and empathetic heart.

Yes, I said it: you are beautiful, and there’s nothing you can do about it, just as a star cannot stop shining. You are every star in the night sky, glowing brightly, allowing all who look upon you to witness the beauty you transcend. You are starlight, captured in the blink of my soul. But it wasn’t just beauty you showed me.

My sweet soul, you give me everything simply by existing and by being a part of me. Our energy is the same; we are connected in ways that defy logic. You are everything I ever searched for, everything I once thought was impossible to find. You are my everything, and I would give you all that I have, including my last spark of energy, if you asked. I have no defenses, no inhibitions, and no limitations with you in my heart. Without you, I walk a hollow path in the darkness, holding onto hope for each new tomorrow and gratitude for each day I am alive. I am grateful to God, the universe, fate, and all things divine for you and for everything that makes you the beautiful, peace-giving, inspiring, magnificent, loving, extraordinary, and exquisite soul that you are. But know this: as grateful as I am, I would burn entire worlds that stand between us just to be with you.

Perhaps it would have been simpler to say “I love you,” but I would trade every word I know and remain silent for all eternity if it meant I could show you my love with every breath I take and in every moment of my existence. In case you were wondering, you have always been, and always will be, on my mind.

Forever Yours, 

Your Twin flame’s Higher Self

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