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How to change your destiny

Is it possible to change your destiny? Sure, it is by exercising your free will, you can change your destiny as you wish, rotate it in any direction, 360 degrees. But you can only do this if you know exactly…

Destiny and Free will

According to the dictionary, Destiny and free will are quite the opposite of each other. Destiny is a power which, according to certain beliefs, irrevocably fixes the course of events.Free will is a free will, without constraints, having the power…

7 Tips for Happiness

To succeed is to build a building in three dimensions: material, relational and emotional. In other words: to achieve its objectives, while maintaining good relations and a good image, without sacrificing its well-being. A social success that would leave us…

How to learn to live happily?

How to learn to live happily? If there is one answer, it is: what is happiness? To be happy, however, we must know that everyone is free to build their own happiness, based on their expectations and the way he…

8 simple tips to be happy

All seek happiness one day or another. Some found it, others “saw” it run away. Of course, we are talking about happiness. Researchers have identified tips that will help you achieve greater bliss. What are they? 1. Sleep! To find…

How to manage your daily stress

How to manage your daily stress Whatever the reasons for your stress, you have to react quickly and adopt everyday tricks to live more calmly and regain control of yourself. The “positive attitude” As a first step, you must identify…

7 Ways to manage Stress

Stress and exhaustion have become a way of life for many people. You must understand that you have control over what stresses you and that you can handle that stress so that you keep your physical and mental health intact.…