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How to find happiness?

Many imagine that they can be happy all the time. But it’s like wanting the sun to shine constantly. Even if we can believe strongly, one day or another we are confronted with the harsh reality of life, it starts…

How to change to regain confidence

How to change to regain confidence A way of saying that we are never content with what we are, that we are constantly changing. This is how life grows and we gain confidence. But what are the best conditions for…

Refocus to regain confidence

Refocus to regain confidence To advance in confidence, it is imperative to start by refocusing. However, it is the opposite that we experience more and more frequently: a panic facing the mountain of things we have to do, an inability…

Dare to trust others

Dare to trust others A trust based on reason and not on emotion: it is the condition for true relationships, assures the mediator Why does our time need trust? The current changes generate a feeling of fear, conducive to the…

The 6 Tips for a happy mind

1. Think happyHappiness is a feeling, and feelings are created by thoughts. You have total control of how you feel by choosing the right thoughts – it’s about choosing thoughts that create ‘happy’ if you like. Look for the positive,…

14 Steps to Finding Your Life Mission

Finding your life mission allows us to make sense of our existence.   But how to find and define it? Here is a method that will help you highlight your own mission: 1. Define what constitutes your life story, in 3…