Category Twin Flame

Can you forget your twin flame?

It is not so easy, because, between two twin flames, there is a strong bond, it is impossible to ignore his presence deep inside you. You can try to cut that etheric link or do something else. But, the result is going…

When will you miss your twin flame?

You will miss your twin flame too much: After the awakening, you will better understand this relationship, that between two people, there is a spiritual relationship. Somehow you feel like you know this person, you feel his presence, you will dream…

Who are the twin flames?

Today we are really going to tell you something new about the Twin Flame. Something you will hear for the first time. So we will tell you what is the twin flame in its correct meaning. Who are the twin flames? A…

The Story of the Twin Flame

What is the beginning and why are we here on this earth? The story begins with the existence of the soul. The soul does not die but passes from one realm to another. The soul is eternal and it is…