Do Twin Flame Relationships have Boundaries?

Do Twin Flame Relationships have Boundaries?

If one considers whether it will be cheating to be intimate with a twin flame when they are in a relationship, the answer would be straight yes. Yes, falling into a romantic or sexual relationship with your twin flame when they are committed to another person is a form of cheating. The deep spiritual connection between twin flames justifies nothing in the way of causing harm or betrayal in the physical world.

The twin flames are deeply connected through a spiritual bond above the materialistic world, but such a bond needs to be handled with integrity and respect for all individuals involved. It is very important to act honestly and for the highest benefit. Decisions based on selfish desires can bring emotional hurt and karmic debt, sometimes preventing a true union from happening between twin flames.

While it is natural that the feelings for your twin flame would be overwhelming, one should respect the boundaries of the current relationship that your twin flame is in. Rather than forcing a connection, step back and allow life to unfold. Live your life, knowing that the Universe has everything on schedule.

It will manifest at the right time if the union with your twin flame is meant to be. They may be working out some very pivotal growth and lessons with the person they are with now-things they will need for their own soul development in preparation, perhaps, for you. Affairs or triangles interfere with this sacred journey and delay or complicate the union.

Let this holy process be balanced and harmonized, respect in love. Respect the journey, find your connection without interference from a third party, trust in the divine timing of your twin flame relationship.

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