Does your twin flame have to be the same age as you?

Does your twin flame have to be the same age as you, or can they be much older or younger? And what does it really mean when there’s an age difference between twin flames?

Twin flame unions transcend the regular 3D relationships we know and experience in this lifetime. It is, therefore, absolutely normal that twin flames can have an age gap.

We are both physical and spiritual. Our bodies belong to the material world; they wither away, in correspondence with the natural laws of time. The soul is utterly abstract and eternal. The soul does not age like the body. It carries within itself some divine energy that outgrows time. To the soul, age is just a number.

Twin flames are the creation of one soul being divided into two and then descended onto the Earth plane. While there may be many years difference in their bodies, their souls are the same age. They have an eternal connection through their bond that surpasses all bonds of time within the physical world.

Whatever challenges come up, a twin flame needs to learn to accept both parts of their shared soul. Challenges, separations, and obstacles often characterize their journey, and differences in age are just one of them. But these are opportunities for growth.

This means that when one of the twins is unable to accept or even recognize their other half, the universe takes over in preparing them for the union through the rising of spiritual awareness. The journey of finding a twin flame and then meeting that twin flame is rarely easy, as sometimes age differences can be just another complication.

But whenever twin flames come together, it always does at a time when the timing is right. All of the challenges, including age differences, are part of the lessons to be learned by both individuals. Their destiny isn’t always to physically be together but more to elevate their consciousness.

But after all, the physical age may differ, and it means nothing in twin flame connection: their souls are of the same age, and it’s just that eternal common essence which does matter. They will always find resonance in actions, thoughts, behaviors, and energy with each other because they will align so deeply on a soul level.

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