How do twin flame runners feel when they reject their twin flame?

How do twin flame runners feel when they reject their twin flame?

When a twin flame runner rejects their twin flame, they are often projecting their inner fears and insecurities. The runner may feel unworthy of the profound, unconditional love that a true twin flame connection offers. For those who have experienced it, being part of a twin flame union is nothing short of miraculous and life-changing.

This connection goes beyond the ordinary; it is spiritual, supernatural, and divine. However, this kind of intensity can be overwhelming. It’s often said that being a twin flame is both a blessing and a curse. The runner might feel suffocated, but it’s important to understand that this feeling isn’t necessarily about you, the chaser. The emotional pain and confusion that come with separation are difficult to navigate, but the issue lies in the spiritual turmoil the runner is experiencing.

From a spiritual perspective, this upheaval is a call from the divine. It’s as if God is pushing both of you towards a higher understanding and awareness. The intense emotions that arise in this dynamic can be overwhelming, especially for someone who is spiritually inclined but emotionally unprepared—like a runner. When faced with something they don’t fully understand, their instinct is often to flee.

To put it bluntly, your runner might feel relief after rejecting the connection. They might feel “fine” because they’re back in their comfort zone, where emotions are stable and life feels “normal” again. They believe they can avoid facing the depth of the intensity of the twin flame connection.

However, the emotional pull between twin flames is real and powerful, even if the runner struggles to comprehend its reality or divine nature. But rest assured, God has a plan for everything, including this separation. And you, as the chaser, are a crucial catalyst in this process.

It’s essential for you to focus on your own growth and healing during this time. Remember that while you may miss your twin flame deeply, they are likely missing you too, even if they don’t realize it yet. They may feel “fine” for now, but the connection has a way of resurfacing, as it always does. Eventually, the time will come for reunion, and when it does, you’ll both be ready to share your divine love and energy with the world—if that’s your mission.

Keep the faith and continue your journey. One day, you’ll be able to help others navigate their own twin flame hardships, sharing the wisdom and strength you’ve gained from your own experiences.

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