Can your twin flame be unaware of the connection?

Can your twin flame be unaware of the connection?

Each twin flame journey follows a unique timeline, and the awareness of the connection doesn’t always happen simultaneously. It’s not just a matter of one twin being too caught up in daily life to recognize the bond. The process is divinely guided, and awareness will come to both twins through various life experiences, even if they seem absorbed in their routines.

Often, the more spiritually awakened twin recognizes the connection on a profound level, while the other twin—sometimes called the “matrix twin”—may sense it in more subtle, less obvious ways. They might not use terms like “twin flame” or “awakening,” but they will feel that something significant is present. Their awareness might not manifest through spiritual labels, but rather through a deep, unexplainable bond.

From an outside perspective, it may seem like they’re unaware, but they often are—just in their own way, at their own pace. In brief, even if someone isn’t familiar with the terminology, they can still feel the connection deeply.

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