Twin flames never come into union

The idea that some twin flames never come into union is based on limiting beliefs and misconceptions. Union is accessible to everyone, as it represents an energetic connection with the divine, a higher state of consciousness, rather than merely a physical relationship. Twin flames are not a “special” group destined for unique relationships. Instead, they are here to lead by example, guiding others toward unity and a deeper connection with the divine.

At first, the twin flame connection can feel unique and special because it is unlike anything previously experienced. However, this sense of being “special” is rooted in separation consciousness, a dualistic mindset. True union transcends this by unifying the mind, heart, and spirit with divine guidance. The journey is about embodying divine love and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead, which naturally magnetizes union.

The belief that some twin flames will not experience union often comes from projecting one’s own unresolved beliefs onto others. Union is not a matter of being superior or inferior. Everyone is equally loved by God, and union is available to all who are open to it. The key lies in rewiring consciousness and aligning with divine guidance, rather than focusing on limitations like “chasing” or “running,” which stem from duality.

Union is not just about the external relationship but about inner unity—finding peace and connection with the divine within oneself. Once this internal state is achieved, physical union follows naturally. Disciples of divine love, including twin flames, are meant to embody and spread this energy, helping others on their path to unity.

Ultimately, union is not exclusive but available to all souls willing to put in the spiritual work and align with divine love. By believing in your union and embodying divine energy, you can transcend duality and attract the harmonious connection you’re meant to experience.

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